单价 ¥
全套引进日本的两步纯化工艺,采用低温萃取、酶切等10项工艺,出口日本等市场。A complete set of two steps purification process of Japan was introduced, including 10 processes such as low temperature extraction and enzyme digestion, which exported to Japan and other markets.
用途用量Use and Dosage
用于固体饮料、片剂、胶囊、口服液等食品和功能食品,洗发香波、化妆水、乳液、面霜等化妆品。For solid beverage, tablet, capsule, oral liquid and other food and functional foods, shampoo, make-up water, emulsion, face cream and other cosmetics
Daily dosage recommended: 3-10g
Quality Standard of Cod Collagen Peptide
Items 检验项目 |
Quota 指标 |
The measured values 实测值 |
Appearance 外观 |
White flowing powder 白色流动粉末 |
Odor 气味 |
No or little fishy smell 无味或稍有鱼腥味 |
Protein(Conversion factor 5.69) 蛋白质(%)(换算系数5.69) |
≥90% | 99.2% | |
Average molecular weight 平均分子量(Dal) |
Ⅰ≤1000 Ⅱ≤2000 Ⅲ≤3000 |
780 1350 2600 |
pH | 6.0-7.5 | 6.5 | |
Moisture 水分 (%) |
≤7.0 | 4.0 | |
Hydroxyproline 羟脯氨酸(%) |
4~9 | 7.5 | |
Transmittanc 透射比 |
波长 620nm |
≥85 | 98 |
Mass Density 堆积比重(g/ml) |
0.2~0.6 | 0.5 | |
Ash 灰分(%) |
≤2.0 | 0.45 | |
Arsenic 无机砷(mg/kg) |
≤0.5 | Not detected 未检出(≤0.01) |
Pb 铅(以Pb计)(mg/kg) |
≤0.5 | 0.014 | |
Methyl mercury 甲基汞(mg/kg) |
≤0.5 | Not detected 未检出 |
Cr 铬(mg/kg) |
≤1.0 | 0.3 | |
Cd 镉(以Cd计)(mg/kg) |
≤0.1 | Not detected 未检出 |
Bacterial Count 菌落总数 (cfu/g) |
≤5000 | 100 | |
Coliforms 大肠菌群 (MPN/100g) |
≤30 | Not detected 未检出 |
Pathogenic bacteria(Salmonella,Staphyococcus aureus,Deputy hemolytic vibrio,Shigella) 致病菌(沙门氏菌、副溶血性弧菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、志贺氏菌) |
Negative 不得检出 |
Not detected 未检出 |
Particle size(mesh) 粒径(目) |
120~60 |