单价 ¥ 面议
起订量 1
包装规格 5公斤X3/箱
产地 海南海口
火龙果营养丰富、功能独特,它含有一般植物少有的植物性白蛋白以及花青素,丰富的维生素和水溶性膳食纤维。南派火龙果原粉选用鲜火龙果榨浆,经世界先进的喷雾干燥工艺技术加工制成,有效保持了新鲜火龙果的营养成分和香味, 即时溶解,使用方便。
Dragon fruit, nutrient-rich, unique features. It contains rare plant albumin.and anthocyanins, rich vitamins and water-soluble dietary fiber. Nicepal Dragon Fruit Powder is selected from Hainan fresh dragon fruit, made by the world's most advanced spray-drying technology and processing,which keeps its nutrition and aroma of fresh dragon fruit well.Instantly dissolved, easy to use.
Features: Keep fresh nutrients and pure dragon fruit flavor, quality assurance, color natural, good solubility, no preservatives, no essence or synthetic pigment.