单价 ¥ 面议
起订量 1
包装规格 5公斤X3/箱
产地 海南海口
番石榴营养丰富,维生素C含量特高。果实除鲜食外,还可加工成果汁、浓缩汁、果粉、果酱、浓缩浆、果冻等。南派番石榴原粉选用鲜番石榴果榨浆,经世界先进的喷雾干燥工艺技术加工制成,有效保持了新鲜番石榴的营养成分和香味, 即时溶解,使用方便。
Guava is rich in nutrients and the content of vitamin C is extremely high. In addition to fresh fruit, but also processed into fruit juice, concentrated juice,fruit powder, jam, concentrated pulp, jelly and so on. Nicepal Guava Powder is selected from Hainan fresh guava as raw material, made by the world's most advanced spray-drying technology and processing.Guava powder effectively maintain thenatural nutrients and aroma of fruit. Instantly dissolved, easy to use.
Features: Keep fresh nutrients and pure guava flavor, quality assurance, color natural, good solubility, no preservatives, no essence or synthetic pigment..