所有产品 健康天然原料 天然提取物 Red Clover Extract
Red Clover Extract
Red Clover Extract
Red Clover Extract

Red Clover Extract

单价 250

起订量 100

包装规格 25公斤/桶

付款方式 L/L

产地 湖南省长沙市浏阳市加盛安全食品产业中心

主要市场 北美洲,中/南美洲,西欧,东欧,大洋洲,亚洲,中东,非洲


主营产品 表儿茶素,表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯,人生提取物,龙胆苦苷,Hibiscus Flower Extract,White Willow Bark Extract,Eucommia Extract,Ginger Extract,Red Clover Extract


 Red Clover Extract

  red clover3.jpg6-红车轴g3.jpg


Latin Name                     Trifolium pretense L.

Family                         Leguminosae

Part of the Plant Used            Aerial parts


Product Introduction

Red Clover grows in Europe and North America. Historically, it is used as a cleansing herbal tonic. The blossoms are traditionally used in springtime to improve general health and to revitalize the spirit. Red Clover helps to calm coughs, reduce skin inflammations and improve general health. Red Clover Extract is becoming increasingly popular, primarily for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.


Active Ingredients

Isoflavones, Phytoestrogens


Product Specification
8% ~40%Isoflavones

Different specs of Red Clover Extracts available


Molecular Structure of Active Ingredients


HPLC Chromatogram of Red Clover P.E. 20% Isoflavones
















Physiological applications

  1. For women, stimulate eostrogenic activity, increase fertility, and reduce “hot flashes” experienced by women during menopause
  2. Anti-cancer
  3. One of the most useful remedies for children with skin problems
  4. Expectorant and anti-spasmodic
  5. Relieve the syndrome of irritation and inflammation of urinary tract
  6. Relieve constipation and help soothe inflammation of the bowel, stomach and intestines
  7. Relieve tension due to stress and associated headaches



