单价 ¥ 1000-20000元/kg
起订量 5-30kg
包装规格 5-15kg/袋(桶)
付款方式 款到发货
产地 浙江杭州
Tianlife® 功效鎖定認知健康及腦健康, 抗疲勞, 精力與體力, 肌肉能量, 運動反應等功能型原料.多國專利茯苓提取物 Poria cocos extract Lipucan® 為全球首創蛋白質載體, 用於增強BCAA, Arginine, Folate的吸收及肌肉力的增強, 擁17國60項全球專利.
Tianlife® is focusing on cognitive health and brain health, anti-fatigue, energy and physical strength, muscle energy, exercise response and other functional materials.Global patented Poria cocos Triterpenoid extract Lipucan®, the world's first protein carrier is used to enhance the absorption of nutrients BCAA, Arginine, Folate and muscle strength, with 60 national patents in 17 countries.