Sinphar Tianli Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Sinphar Group, a world leading GMP grade phytonutrients manufacturer, has its own GAP organic farm. Its patented Tianlife® product line is an innovative and clinically proven phytonutrient that comes from Sinphar’s own organic farm and is safe, non-toxic and harmless. Tianlife® is focusing on cognitive health and brain health, anti-fatigue, energy and physical strength, muscle energy, exercise response and other functional materials. The 3,000 clinical supported phytonutrients Cistanche tubulosa extract Memoregain, is a breakthrough innovation material with 36 patents, 9 SCI in 16 countries, targeting at the prevention of cognitive impairment, enhance memory, boost vitality, and the promotion of brain sports nutrition, and brain vs muscle coordination. The world's first functional walnut oligopeptide Protygold®, the first discovery of Brain Awaken Factor (BAF), targeting the new finding functions of inter-neuro connection, with BCAA golden ratio, has won the 2019 World Pharmaceutical Raw Materials China Exhibition (CPHI) Herbal Extract Product Innovation Award. Global patented Poria cocos Triterpenoid extract Lipucan, the world's first protein carrier is used to enhance the absorption of nutrients BCAA, Arginine, Folate and muscle strength, with 60 national patents in 17 countries. 台灣上市公司杏輝藥品, 供應全球各通路大型客戶產品, 市場遍佈國際20餘國. 其子公司杏輝天力藥業專注天然產物原料創新科研, 擁有GAP有機農場及GMP等級先進生產設備. 旗下專利提取物Tianlife® 產品系列, 為新創且有臨床驗證之功效型植物營養素, 藥材來自自家有機農場, 品質安全無毒無害. Tianlife® 功效鎖定認知健康及腦健康, 抗疲勞, 精力與體力, 肌肉能量, 運動反應等功能型原料. 其中有3000例臨床, 16國36項專利, 9篇 SCI文章發表之管花肉蓯蓉提取物Memoregain®, 用於認知障礙的防止, 記憶能力的提升,精/體力的促進, 及益智類運動營養及大腦與肌肉協調之促進。世界首例開發的全新核桃功能低聚肽杏補宜®核桃肽粉Protygold®, 為首次發現醒腦因子Brain Awaken Factor(BAF)可用於促進神經細胞間連接, 擁有BCAA黃金比例, 甫榮獲2019年世界製藥原料中國展(CPHI)植物提取物產品創新獎。多國專利茯苓三萜提取物 Poria cocos triterpenoid extract Lipucan® 為全球首創蛋白質載體, 用於增強BCAA, Arginine, Folate的吸收及肌肉力的增強, 擁17國60項全球專利.
Sinphar Tianli Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Sinphar Group, a world leading GMP grade phytonutrients manufacturer, has its own GAP organic farm. Its patented Tianlife® product line is an innovative and clinically proven phytonutrient that comes from Sinphar’s own organic farm and is safe, non-toxic and harmless. Tianlife® is focusing on cognitive health and brain health, anti-fatigue, energy and physical strength, muscle energy, exercise response and other functional materials. The 3,000 clinical supported phytonutrients Cistanche tubulosa extract Memoregain, is a breakthrough innovation material with 36 patents, 9 SCI in 16 countries, targeting at the prevention of cognitive impairment, enhance memory, boost vitality, and the promotion of brain sports nutrition, and brain vs muscle coordination. The world's first functional walnut oligopeptide Protygold®, the first discovery of Brain Awaken Factor (BAF), targeting the new finding functions of inter-neuro connection, with BCAA golden ratio, has won the 2019 World Pharmaceutical Raw Materials China Exhibition (CPHI) Herbal Extract Product Innovation Award. Global patented Poria cocos Triterpenoid extract Lipucan, the world's first protein carrier is used to enhance the absorption of nutrients BCAA, Arginine, Folate and muscle strength, with 60 national patents in 17 countries. 台灣上市公司杏輝藥品, 供應全球各通路大型客戶產品, 市場遍佈國際20餘國. 其子公司杏輝天力藥業專注天然產物原料創新科研, 擁有GAP有機農場及GMP等級先進生產設備. 旗下專利提取物Tianlife® 產品系列, 為新創且有臨床驗證之功效型植物營養素, 藥材來自自家有機農場, 品質安全無毒無害. Tianlife® 功效鎖定認知健康及腦健康, 抗疲勞, 精力與體力, 肌肉能量, 運動反應等功能型原料. 其中有3000例臨床, 16國36項專利, 9篇 SCI文章發表之管花肉蓯蓉提取物Memoregain®, 用於認知障礙的防止, 記憶能力的提升,精/體力的促進, 及益智類運動營養及大腦與肌肉協調之促進。世界首例開發的全新核桃功能低聚肽杏補宜®核桃肽粉Protygold®, 為首次發現醒腦因子Brain Awaken Factor(BAF)可用於促進神經細胞間連接, 擁有BCAA黃金比例, 甫榮獲2019年世界製藥原料中國展(CPHI)植物提取物產品創新獎。多國專利茯苓三萜提取物 Poria cocos triterpenoid extract Lipucan® 為全球首創蛋白質載體, 用於增強BCAA, Arginine, Folate的吸收及肌肉力的增強, 擁17國60項全球專利.
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