单价 ¥ 570美元/kg
起订量 15kg
包装规格 15kg/桶
付款方式 款到发货
产地 浙江杭州
Tianlife® 產品系列, 為新創且有臨床驗證之功效型植物營養素, 藥材來自自家有機農場, 品質安全無毒無害. Tianlife® 功效鎖定認知健康及腦健康, 抗疲勞, 精力與體力, 肌肉能量, 運動反應等功能型原料. 其中有3000例臨床, 16國36項專利, 9篇 SCI文章發表之管花肉蓯蓉提取物Memoregain®, 用於認知障礙的防止, 記憶能力的提升,精/體力的促進, 及益智類運動營養及大腦與肌肉協調之促進。
Tianlife® is focusing on cognitive health and brain health, anti-fatigue, energy and physical strength, muscle energy, exercise response and other functional materials. The 3,000 clinical supported phytonutrients Cistanche tubulosa extract Memoregain®, is a breakthrough innovation material with 36 patents, 9 SCI in 16 countries, targeting at the prevention of cognitive impairment, enhance memory, boost vitality, and the promotion of brain sports nutrition, and brain vs muscle coordination.